It has been cute the last couple of days, Emma enjoys eating her toes lately and I'm trying to keep Garrett flexible by touching his. Since Clay is about as flexible as a board (Sorry honey) I've been telling Garrett that it is fun to stretch and touch our toes... when he doesn't believe that I just tell him that Emma is really practicing and that she will be more flexible than him when she gets older. Nothing wrong with a little sibling competition right... well it is a little one sided.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Busy Busy!!
This has been a busy but fun week. We started the week off with Cliff's party on Sunday, then we went out for Valentine's Day with our friends Robyn and Scot V. I recommend seeing Fools Gold... if you are a guy I'm not sure Clay would say the same thing... Chick flick!
Garrett was in little boy heaven on Friday when we went to John Deere Days in Fairfield... he had a great time even though he didn't get his name drawn for the raffle. Emma however, was a luckly winner and now is the proud owner of a miniature "mower", she was so excite... Oh wait, that was Garrett.
After that we went to ny nephew Dylan's 1st Birthday Party... what a handsome little dude! From the noise level I would have to say that all of the kids had a fantastic time. Not too mention all the little green stained faces running around (note to self, no green frosting for Garrett's b-day).
Too top the night off, we dropped the kiddos off at Grandma and Grandpa Fishers and we went to the Opera House for a little Karaoke. Rowdy Crowd + beer + bad singers= Great Time
Finally Today!! I made Clay a dinner of Fried Chicken with all of the trimmings and a Better Than Anything cake for dessert. With Clay out of the house at a reception in Glenvil, I'm able to update everyone on a great couple of days.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Cliff
That was the upside of the week, the rest of the week was spent trying to stop Garrett's cold from being passed around to all of us... pointless!! Once one of us gets sick the rest of us might as well try to get it immediately and get it over with. Clay is just coming down with it... we'll see if he is done by Valentine's... or his Birthday (16th).
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Ok... so the snow is pretty
The drift in our backyard was taller than Garrett, I think we had somewhere around 6" total. Today was a bit chilly but sunny and we were able to get outside and enjoy it for awhile. Clay says that I never take a picture of him, so here you go, I actually got one of him working !! ;o)
Our wonderful neighbor came over yesterday while it was still snowing and snowplowed our driveway so Clay only had a little to do... Oh and I guess the mountain in the back, my hero.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
UGH!!!!!!!!! More Snow
For anyone that is having cabin fever (that'd be me) today was a bummer, pretty but a bummer. We had somewhere around 3" so far and it is still snowing. I'll post pics tomorrow when it is done. Garrett never ceases to amaze and entertain me on these days though, who knew he could pull Emma in his little wagon.
We had a Super Bowl party with 6 couples and 10 kids... it was alot of fun and what a Game!!! Having all of the kids over made us more aware that we need to get Garrett out more with other kids, he is a bit bossy and agressive (you would never think he is two years younger than the other kids). We made the decision to enroll him this fall in preschool so that he has a couple of years of that before he goes to kindergarten.
Garrett has taken an interest in painting, thanks to uncle Brian and Aunt Misty's christmas present. I was completely taken by suprise when he refused to use his fingers (it is fingerpainting) and had to have a paint brush since he didn't want to get dirty. Guess if it isn't dirt it isn't worth getting dirty.
Four Months Already!!! We started Emma on rice cereal a couple of weeks ago. She took to it just like she took to nursing, fabulous. Just like her mama, when it comes to eating we are pros at it.
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