It seems that the first few months of this year have just flown by. Trying to keep up with Garrett in school, Emma thinking she is 2 (well acting like it anyway), Clay being a farmer (shouldn't it slow down in the winter) and my business booming... I don't know where time has gone.
Few things we've done or had happen in '09 so far:
1.) Building Snowmen:

2.) Sometimes getting a peaceful meal at our house is tough... Clay has come up with a sure method.
Garrett has hit a stage where he is VERY picky about what he will eat... but he has to try everything. UGH
3.) The kids, Grandma Terri and I visited the Lincoln Children's Museum
The kids had a great time and I really enjoyed watching them explore all of the little areas and think for themselves.
4.) There is rollerskating in Fairfield on Saturday nights and we took Garrett and Emma for the first time last week. I think it is cute that they are doing something their dad did when he was their age.

and dad even put a pair on!

5.) Emma's 1st bib booboo! With the new floors the kids love to ride Garrett's trike around the kitchen and dining area... well Emma was cruising along and didn't stop in time and rode of the 3 stairs that lead into the garage. Yikes... Got a gash from inside of her nose to the corner of her lip... I think mommy cried as much she did! :O)

Don't mind our hair, we lost our barrette somewhere in the crash as well.
As for me, I have had some good luck lately with my business and have started selling wholesale to Babyworks ( division of Milkworks) in Lincoln, Divas & Darling in Lincoln and Bellybump in Omaha. All of this with the custom orders that I receive and my etsy shop... I haven't had much time for posting to my blog. I will get back into the swing of it!!