Sunday, December 14, 2008

Remodeling... UGH!

Since we have moved into this house (3 years ago this month) it has been one project after another. However, this project is one that I have been pushing for rather hard. Clay was in total agreement with me that it needed to be done, but agreeing on the color has been holding us up for quite awhile now... I gave in and agreed so we could get it done.

Here is kitchen floor before:

The Dining room had the dark brown carpet (see Firefighting kids to see this) and now we have this running through both:

We had ALOT of help!

Firefighting kids

Clay is on the Volunteer Fire Department here in Clay Center and a couple of weeks ago they had to burn down an old house here in town. He came home to get something and had his full gear on... the 1st time that the kids have seen this.

Emma wasn't so sure about him at first but then she figured out who it was. Garrett thought this was pretty cool since his preschool class had went and visited the fire department and rode on the truck. And who wouldn't want to try on the cool hat?

As you can see by the floor we are in the process of remodeling the kitchen and dining room with wood floors... pics on that yet to come.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Decorating the x-mas tree

It is tradition around here to decorate the christmas tree the friday evening after Thanksgiving (sorry no T.G. pics), but this is the first year with TWO sets of hands wanting to help. As is another tradition around here... when we plugged in the strands of lights only 1 set out of 8 worked. Hence, we put decorating the tree on hold until the next day.

We got some new lights (Thanks Amy) and got them on the tree as well as the ornaments... only a couple broken.

This was pretty funny to little miss thing... not so much for Mom.

Garrett got fed up with me changing everything that he put on and telling him no. (I need to work on that. ;o))

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Garrett's 1st ER visit

The Culprit...

For those of you that don't know last Tuesday Garrett fell off the fireplace and cracked his head open. Thank Goodness that Clay was home at the time... it's amazing how a cool calm person such as myself (;o)) can fall apart when it is their own child.

We took him down to the local clinic and they sewed him up with 7 stitches and we were home having ice cream in about 20 minutes... got to love small town ER's! I am amazed how well they handled everything and how good they were with Garrett.

Poor kid is a bit embarrassed by the whole thing and everyone asking what happened... but I will show you a pic anyway.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Little Treatsters

I believe that Garrett is still young enough that I get to choose what he is for Halloween... and I found the cutest Turtle costume.

And Emma got Garretts first costume that he had... a little pumpkin.

This was a night that I will remember forever, to watch them be excited for something so "silly" and little miss Emma showing an independent streak a mile wide. Who knew she would be able to walk 3 blocks and climb all of the stairs to peoples houses... and she doesn't even get to eat the candy! Adorable.

Fall Fun

In between helping out at the farm this last week the kids and I have found the time to have some fun in the yard... while the weather was nice.
Emma was the first one into the pile of leaves (I know not much of a pile... but I wasn't brave enough to tackle the back yard yet!). Garrett wasn't far behind though...
Check out that outfit... got to love when 3 year olds want to dress themselves. ;o)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Birthday Surprise

I have this great friend here in Clay Center that treats me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to good! For my birthday last week she got tickets to the Nebraska vs. Oklahoma Volleyball game... plus some other goodies. We took half a day off from farming (Thanks honey) and went to do some shopping and goofing off before the game.

The game was great and the Huskers cleaned up in 3 sets... for our sake it could of at least went to 4. ;o) Did I mention that Jordan Larson is absolutely amazing to watch... unbelievable what she can do!
I just want to say again, Thanks for everything that you do for me and my family Robyn!!! You and your family are the best.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Camera

FINALLY!!! I got a new camera for my birthday... hopefully no more crappy pictures from now on. ;o)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Emma's Dedication

We had Emma dedicated at church last Sunday. My friend Robyn stood up for us and gave a couple of her wonderful words of wisdom and then Pastor Green had everyone who wanted to (which was alot of people) fill out words of insight on how to raise a christian daughter. We are overwhelmed on all of the good information and tidbits that people gave us, I just hope we can put all of this information to good use!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Christmas in the air?

I have started making all of my things for my shop for Christmas this week. Seems a bit strange to be starting it already, but with harvest and my 2 rascals time will fly and I need to be ready. Here are a couple of the things that I have put together so far...

and this lounge set... so many cute christmas fabrics yet to go!

Not nearly as cute on the fireplace... but my model is asleep...

Pumpkin Patch

Every year since we have been here we have taken the kids (Emma went when she was a month old last year) to the Pumpkin Patch, which is about 10 minutes from our house. It has got to be one of the funnest Pumpkin places that I have ever been too... they have:

  • a slide down into a bunch of corn

  • a petting zoo

  • an old fashioned had pump duck race

  • a barn full of games (tick tac toe, milking a cow, riding a pony, checkers, face painting, etc.)

  • photo ops all over the place

  • huge slides that you ride gunny sacks down

  • a blow up bouncy house

  • Prairie plunge (ride in a wood seat on a wire down a hill)

  • corn maze (we didn't find our way out)

  • Trike track
  • And a hayrack ride to go out into the pumkin patch and pick your pumpkins.

The kids and grandma fisher and I all had a great time this year and can't wait until next year.

Pear Pickin

A block from our house an elderly couple has an orchard of apricots, apples and pears. They put a sign out along the road whenever something comes ripe for free whatever is ready. The last thing that was ripe was pears, so the kids and I walked over and picked a basket full of them. They have one of the long pickin sticks that they just leave out with the trees and Garrett just has a ball pulling the fruit down... sometimes more than I want! I was quite disappointed when the pictures of Garrett wielding this didn't turn out... darn camera... time for a new one, but here are some of the pears that we picked.

This bunch made a tasty batch of pear butter.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Emma Eating The cake I made

Since we had the wedding on Emma's birthday, I wanted to be able to have some pictures for her book. So I decided to make her a doll cake and we had Clay's parents and brother over for supper.

The picture is horrible, but I think the cake turned out pretty well for me doing it! It didn't matter one bit to Emma though... she dove right into it.

Happy Birthday Emma!! Mommy prays that all of your hopes and dreams may become reality someday. (sappy I know) ;p)

Emma's 1st Birthday

Here is Emma on her 1st birthday... she was adorable in her little red polka dot dress at my cousin Jayme's wedding. The wedding was in Manhattan, KS so we didn't have a party for Emma, but her brother did sing her Happy Birthday at the reception.
It was a beautiful wedding... Congratulations Jayme and Kenny Coffey.

Both of the kids had cold (runny nose, cranky) you know everything that could possibly make a 4 hour drive even more enjoyable. All in all, they both did a good job and did well at the wedding.
That could also be because they stayed in the basement at the wedding and ate Quiznos.
Yeah... it is time to go home... another 4 hours!
We did get to see the Steffensmeirs (friends of ours from Austin) before we headed home. It is amazing how much things have changed since we all hung out in Austin!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Last year at this time...

Last year on this day, Garrett and I played 9 holes of golf, went on a bike ride to the library and had an all around great day! It was even good enough that I started having contractions around 12:30 that night... a day before my scheduled C-Section. The time has really flown this past year... I can't believe that My little baby girl is going to be ONE tomorrow! Where did the time go.

We have a wedding in Kansas tomorrow, so we won't be celebrating her birthday until another day, but I will post pictures of the wedding and her birthday soon... maybe even a picture of the cake that I am going to try and make her. That depends on the outcome though! ;o)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Garrett's 1st day of Preschool

Well today was the big day for Garrett!! He has been waiting all summer to be able to put on his "Cars" back pack and head to school like a big boy (well however big you can be at 3). He did a great job of getting up when I told him and getting on his clothes, however, he was little to excited to eat... his teacher said he made up for it at snack time!

Mrs. Jones is his teacher and I specifically picked this Preschool because of her, but when Garrett came home today it was clear that I had made the right choice... I might have a hard time being as "cool" as Mrs. Jones!

Emma in her new hat!

I found the cutest hats on etsy a while back and it got cool enough out today for Emma to wear her winter one.

I put it on her and showed my mom the other day and she said "she looks like a movie star"... I had to agree. ;o) Do you think I might be a bit biased!

Can't wait to see how cute she is going to be in the hot pink one I got her for Spring.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Salsa is a staple at our house, it must be something that we picked up in Texas. However, it is hard to find a salsa that we like around here so I started canning my own. So ever year at this time I spend hours in the kitchen blanching, peeling, pureeing, and simmering just the right recipe so that we can enjoy the perfect salsa all year round. I have had good luck this year with my peppers (habaneros are nice and hot), but my tomatoes aren't doing as well, Thank goodness for the rest of the families gardens!

Thanks Marilyn, don't these tomatoes look beautiful?

Friday, August 22, 2008

On the Dot Creations GIVEAWAYS!!!

This is the last day for the giveaways that have been happening all week long at On The Dot Creations. You should all check them out and see if you can be one of the lucky ones to win some of the yummiest items!

I wish all of you luck in being chosen, but you need to hurry for the end of the day deadline. ;o)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Goodies from Lemon Tree Studio

I read LilyEdens http://www.mylilyeden.blogspot.comblog everyday, she is so creative and funny that I am inspired every time that I read it. In addition, she has this adorable etsy shop Lemon Tree Studio http://www.LemonTreeStudio.etsy.comthat has all kinds of little treats that would brighten anyones day if they received them. I shouldn't tell you all this, but on Fridays she has a freebie friday where she has a "Goodie(s)" that she gives away if you respond to a question she poses. Well I happened to answer one of her questions right last week (Thanks to Emma being born chubby) and I won some GOODIES... here they are!

I am so excited to use the letters, which say August, and the adorable moon and stars fabric... hmmm.... think creative! Thanks LilyEden

Too Big!!

I know that I can't be the only one that sees the cutest outfit and has to buy it knowing that it won't fit... Emma that is! I found this swimsuit at Target, but they only had it in a 2T.

Couldn't pass it up though... I just justified that she can wear it next year.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sweet Corn

I have been waiting patiently all summer long for the sweet corn to be ready. Clay searched and searched for the perfect seed that would make the sweetest ear of corn... did he find it?

He sure did!!! and ALOT of it. He told me to come to the farm so we could bag up and freeze some I had no idea how much he meant. After six hours of shucking, silking, blanching, stripping and bagging we came up with somewhere around 50 bags of corn to be frozen... did I meantion we still had a cooler of corn left that we decided would have to wait for another day! Come December I will be glad that he picked so much. ;o)
As you can see we made it into a family party.

We are such task masters!

Maybe not... Grandpa set up the pool for him to cool off after all the hard work. Emma had the hardest job of all!!

She Supervised!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Safety Patrol

The kids and I were at the library here in town the other day (we go pretty much everyday I'm off), but we happened to be there the same time as Bill (the local bike guy). He came up to Emma and I and asked if we would be there for 5 minutes, I said sure. He comes back with a whole assortment of kids bicycle helments... did I mention that we always ride our bikes down there. Emma has a seat that is attached to the back of my bike and I never really thought about here needing a helmet... Bill did!!
Therefore, he fitted this adorable little ladybug helmet so that it fits my little "bug" just perfectly and boy does she look cute in it. I said Bill, "what do I owe you?", he said just be careful. What a great guy!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Blogs readability!!!

blog readability test

Movie Reviews

A friend of mine had this posted on her blog so I thought what the heck I will give it a try... I think my blog is more along the lines of grade school! Who comes up with this stuff. ;o)