Monday, September 15, 2008

Garrett's 1st day of Preschool

Well today was the big day for Garrett!! He has been waiting all summer to be able to put on his "Cars" back pack and head to school like a big boy (well however big you can be at 3). He did a great job of getting up when I told him and getting on his clothes, however, he was little to excited to eat... his teacher said he made up for it at snack time!

Mrs. Jones is his teacher and I specifically picked this Preschool because of her, but when Garrett came home today it was clear that I had made the right choice... I might have a hard time being as "cool" as Mrs. Jones!

1 comment:

Ali Meyer said...

Glad to hear that he loves school so far! I talked to mom the other day and she said he can't wait for the next time he gets to go...good thing he has a 'cool' teacher!