Sunday, November 16, 2008

Garrett's 1st ER visit

The Culprit...

For those of you that don't know last Tuesday Garrett fell off the fireplace and cracked his head open. Thank Goodness that Clay was home at the time... it's amazing how a cool calm person such as myself (;o)) can fall apart when it is their own child.

We took him down to the local clinic and they sewed him up with 7 stitches and we were home having ice cream in about 20 minutes... got to love small town ER's! I am amazed how well they handled everything and how good they were with Garrett.

Poor kid is a bit embarrassed by the whole thing and everyone asking what happened... but I will show you a pic anyway.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Little Treatsters

I believe that Garrett is still young enough that I get to choose what he is for Halloween... and I found the cutest Turtle costume.

And Emma got Garretts first costume that he had... a little pumpkin.

This was a night that I will remember forever, to watch them be excited for something so "silly" and little miss Emma showing an independent streak a mile wide. Who knew she would be able to walk 3 blocks and climb all of the stairs to peoples houses... and she doesn't even get to eat the candy! Adorable.

Fall Fun

In between helping out at the farm this last week the kids and I have found the time to have some fun in the yard... while the weather was nice.
Emma was the first one into the pile of leaves (I know not much of a pile... but I wasn't brave enough to tackle the back yard yet!). Garrett wasn't far behind though...
Check out that outfit... got to love when 3 year olds want to dress themselves. ;o)