Sunday, December 14, 2008

Remodeling... UGH!

Since we have moved into this house (3 years ago this month) it has been one project after another. However, this project is one that I have been pushing for rather hard. Clay was in total agreement with me that it needed to be done, but agreeing on the color has been holding us up for quite awhile now... I gave in and agreed so we could get it done.

Here is kitchen floor before:

The Dining room had the dark brown carpet (see Firefighting kids to see this) and now we have this running through both:

We had ALOT of help!

Firefighting kids

Clay is on the Volunteer Fire Department here in Clay Center and a couple of weeks ago they had to burn down an old house here in town. He came home to get something and had his full gear on... the 1st time that the kids have seen this.

Emma wasn't so sure about him at first but then she figured out who it was. Garrett thought this was pretty cool since his preschool class had went and visited the fire department and rode on the truck. And who wouldn't want to try on the cool hat?

As you can see by the floor we are in the process of remodeling the kitchen and dining room with wood floors... pics on that yet to come.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Decorating the x-mas tree

It is tradition around here to decorate the christmas tree the friday evening after Thanksgiving (sorry no T.G. pics), but this is the first year with TWO sets of hands wanting to help. As is another tradition around here... when we plugged in the strands of lights only 1 set out of 8 worked. Hence, we put decorating the tree on hold until the next day.

We got some new lights (Thanks Amy) and got them on the tree as well as the ornaments... only a couple broken.

This was pretty funny to little miss thing... not so much for Mom.

Garrett got fed up with me changing everything that he put on and telling him no. (I need to work on that. ;o))