Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hello... (Echo Echo Echo)

Well it would seem that we fell off the face of the earth around here... Oops. Nothing or no one really to blame for this, but myself. Yes there have been some hectic times but there have been some lazy days of doing nothing as well... so where do you start... I think with today (or yesterday anyways) :o)

My little baby graduated pre-school last night. He is such a handsome, fun loving and joyful kid that I am overwhelmed at times with this little person god has granted into my care for a short time. Watching him last night in his little celebration makes me realize how fast time goes and how fast my little man is growing. Sniff sniff. I keep telling myself everyone goes through it and they have all survived and that there are so many more moments to look forward to... but I want to make sure that I keep these little moments tucked away as well.

Sorry for a sappy first blog back! I will try and be better in the future... but I have alot of trees to climb, holes to dig and hugs and kisses to receive, so we will see if I can squeeze some posts in now and again. ;O)

1 comment:

Sara said...

Helllooooo! Glad to see you back on the blog. I can't believe your little ones are getting so big - it's crazy how fast they're growing up!